Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pretty Colors and Paper Piecing for Friday Mashup

Howdy howdy :) Time for another Friday Mashup and this week our challenge is from Tara and its her first challenge with us as a new design team member! Make sure you head over to the Friday Mashup blog to play along and welcome Tara to the team!

For her challenge Tara wants us to use the color combo of Pool Party, Daffodil Delight and Rich Razzleberry or do paper piecing on your project OR mash it up and use the color combo plus paper piecing! Remember, its paper PIECING, not piercing. This is where you cut out your images for a 2nd time on DSP, and adhere it to your main image. On my project the Rich Razzleberry polka dot DSP is what I paper pieced to create the dresses on the little girls. (and yes, my picture sucks...its been raining here all week, which is good, but leaves me little light inside or outside to take good pics, so sorry for the quality!)
  1. Make a project using the " Paper Piecing " technique.
  2. Or Make a project using " Rich Razzleberry, Daffodil Delight & Pool Party ".
  3. Or "Mash it Up" and create a " Paper Piecing Project using the above colors."



  1. Great way to sneak some Rich Razzleberry in on the dresses!

  2. Oh those little polka dot dresses are sooo sweet!

  3. Those little girls are oh-so-fancy ;) Kinda wish I had a Razzleberry polka dot dress. Fantastic card, Lisa!

  4. What an adorable image and your paper pieced dresses are so precious!

  5. Such a beautiful card Lisa! I love your paper pieced dresses on Razzleberry! It makes them pop up ! Great job!

  6. This came out so adorable.. I love the image and great use of the challenge colors.


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